May 14, 2012


In this lab, I learn how to identify the minerals physical properties. Such as luster, hardness, color and cleavage. In order to test the luster, we should look at the mineral, if looks like metal and shining, it's metallic, otherwise it is non metallic. If we want to know how hardness is the mineral, we need to use glass plate, if the mineral can scratch the glass, that can be harder than 5.5, if not, it is less than 5.5. To test the color we have to use streak plate, to scratch the plate to see it is color or colorless( white). If the mineral can cut evenly, that is cleavage, if cut unevenly, then it is fracture.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy work with my partner when we are test the minerals.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
I have hard time to write the 3 paragraph about background info, and I have to use my own word.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learn how to use glass plate and streak plate to test the minerals.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
If their is more time, I would spent more time to write my report and make better, also add more info and help Ali to make the video.

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