April 15, 2012

Shaking Our World

Lithosphere Layer
Activities: BrainPop Video, Music Video.
Topics: Tsunamis, Earthquake, Crust, Plate Boundaries.
A Tsunamis is a harbor wave. The subduction zones are the most mommon cause of Tsunamis, when the continental plate and oceanic plate hit eachother. Also earthquake does too, the earthquake break the ocean floor up and down, the ocean lose blance, cand cause tsunamis. It is very damage to the people and building, the enconmic will lose a lot of money.
The earthquake is strong movement of earth's crust. It cause by movement of the fault, sometime they slide apart, slide together, or slide past one to the other. Earthquake also cause 3 types of waves, P waves is fastest, S wave is slower, and L wave is surface wave, the most dangerous one, it can knock the building, destroyed everything.
Crust moving cause of plate tectonics, the crust is top of the layer, the mantle is inside of the earth layer, the inner core is soild and the outer core is liquid.
Plate Boundaries
Convergent goes together, this movement cause mountain form. Divergent pull apart, this movement cause rift valley. Transform slide eachother, this movement cause earthquake.

Activities: Foldables & Mini-Quiz, Demonstration Lab.
Topics: Faults, Volcanoes.
Their are 3 types of faults, which is Normal Faults, Reverse Faults and Strike- Slip Faults. Normal faults is one piece goes down. Reverse Fault is one piece rise up. Strike - Slip Fault are two pieces slide side by silde, is most dangerous one, it cause earthquake.
Formation of volcanoes they form when the earth's inside pressure bring up the hot melten rocks and releases them through the path. Magma is the melted rock under the surface. Lava is the melted roce above the surface. Their are 3 types of volanoes. Shield is volanic cone made up of layer of hardened lave. Cinder Cone is volcanic cone made up of rock particles, dust and ash. Composite is volcanic cone made up of alternating layers of lava and rock particles. Hot spots is a part of the mantles is really hot.

Activities: Exploration Labs
Topics: Density Lab, Ring of Fire Lab
Summary: Ring of Fire came from pacific plate, where did the most hot spot are appear around this palte. Also the earthquake and volcanoes activity most occur in the pacific palte, their is many palte boundary.

Critical Thinking Question
Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?
I agree with the theory of plate tectonics, I believe the pangaea broke into many plate and separate around the world we see today. In fact, Scientist find out the continent is move little bit over the year.
Also when see all the contine are fit together, just like a puzzle, and scientist find the fossil also provide that the continent are stick together as one.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy most when I'm doing the lab, it's really intersting.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The challenging was we don't have too much time to finish the project, because we only have 3 earth science class a week, also it's hard to manage the time.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to find the longitude in the map, I never learn this before.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I would like to spent more time on the lab, and learn more.